Steam Mop Disassembly

Reverse Engineering Individual Project | Year 3 IDE
Autumn 2019 | 11 Weeks

At the start of this project, I was given a steam floor mop product* and tasked with disassembling it and analysing everything about it: how it worked, the design decisions that were made, how it was packaged, sold and distributed, the materials it was made of, and so on. Every two weeks, I was required to compile a pair of visual A3 factfiles on a particular aspect of the product. In chronological order, these were:

  1. User experience
  2. Assembly and materials
  3. Component role and function
  4. Manufacturing and cost

This project was an opportunity to practise doing graphic design, as well as reverse engineering skills in a wider sense - thinking about how a product was designed and why each decision was made.

* For practical reasons, products were shared between two students, but all analysis work and submissions were done individually.


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